Along with giving your car frequent maintenance, learning to identify different problems, you might encounter with your engine can help you increase its lifespan. In this article by Vaughan Distributing in Jackson, WY,you can learn about common symptoms of having a bad fuel injector.
Is your vehicle giving you problems lately? Is your fuel economy bad? There are many reasons why a car can have problems. However, one of them can be having a bad fuel injector. But, how to know if your fuel injector is failing you? Well, in this article we have a list of some of the most common bad fuel injector symptoms. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, read this post that Vaughan Distributing in Jackson, WY, has for you today.
"Check Engine" Light
Having the “Check Engine” light turn on on your dashboard can mean many things. Having problems with your fuel injector can be one of them. The most common reason for fuel injectors to activate this dashboard light is because they are either delivering too much or too little fuel. So, if you notice your dashboard turning the light on, don’t ignore it. Instead, give your engine a good check to ensure everything is working properly.
Bad Fuel Economy
Even though there might be many reasons that can cause your fuel economy to be lousy, having a faulty fuel injector can be a probable one. Why does this happen? When the fuel injector is clogged or leaking, the car’s ECU will call for more fuel as it is probably not receiving enough in the combustion chamber. To fix this issue, ensure you get your fuel injector checked out by a professional.
Learning about the best products is the best way of ensuring your engine is in top condition. With AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil your engine will have maximum protection. Speak with a professional at Vaughan Distributing and learn about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Jackson, WY, by calling (307) 413-1011.
Fuel Leak
Fuel leaks are another sign that tells you are dealing with a bad fuel injector. In order to identify if you are dealing with a leak, check your fuel injector and look for any signs of gasoline on its exterior or on the fuel rail. A fuel leak often happens due to the natural deterioration of the fuel injector seal. The best thing to do in this situation is to get your injector seal replaced by a professional.
Fuel Odor
If you ever notice a fuel odor, it can be caused due to a bad fuel injector. This odor can be caused due to having gasoline that isn’t getting burned. Other issues that can cause this problem are a faulty sensor telling the ECU to inject more fuel than necessary or a faulty fuel line. Nonetheless, finding the cause of fuel odor is essential in order to prevent this issue from becoming detrimental to your health.
Now that you are learning how to listen to your engine, learn about the best AMSOIL products. Speak with a professional at Vaughan Distributing and learn about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Jackson, WY. For more information visit the online store or call (307) 413-1011 today.
Your Car Won’t Start
Having a car that won’t start can be caused due to your engine not being able to receive the necessary fuel and air combination. Fuel injectors are in charge of delivering gas to the cylinders, and then this job isn’t done properly, you will be unable to get your vehicle on the road. Fuel injectors are not the most common issue to prevent a vehicle from starting but it can definitely be an option to consider.
The RPM Needle Starts to Move
Does your RPM needle start do move without reason from time to time? As you may know, the gas needle moves from “F” to “E” and the speedometer moves from “0” to the speed you accelerate to. Dealing with a bad fuel injector can cause the needle on your tachometer to indicate changes in your RPM, even if you are not switching gears.
To Ensure Your Vehicle Has a Long Lifespan, Give Your Engine a Synthetic Oil Change in Jackson, WY
Now that your learned all about bad fuel ignition symptoms, get familiar with products like AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil to ensure your engine is protected. Speak with a professional at Vaughan Distributing and learn about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Jackson, WY. For more information visit the online store or call (307) 413-1011 today.