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Bad driving habits are easy to pick up, but they’re also easy to unlearn once you identify them. Check out these driving habits to avoid them and become a better driver, brought to you by Vaughan Distributing in Jackson.

Why is it Important to Avoid Bad Driving Habits?

Many bad habits are hard to break, and even worse, it’s really easy to pick them up. For example, going to bed late, drinking excessively, or smoking. All of these bad habits can have negative consequences on your health. Similarly, bad driving habits are not only bad for your health, but they can have adverse effects and put you in danger of being in an accident or causing harm to others. Identifying and fixing your bad driving habits can help you be a better driver and let you get safely to your destination. Keep reading for some of the most common ones and how to correct them.

Keep your vehicle in good shape for better driving with the excellent products from Vaughan Distributing. Give them a call today at (307) 413-1011 for more information on products like AMSOIL’s Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil, or visit their online store for their full range of products.


Speeding is one of the most common bad driving habits that we’ve all engaged in sometimes. Still, speed limits exist to keep everyone safe on the road, so following them is essential as they are set based on surroundings, road conditions, and other factors that could affect your driving and the safety of others on the road. Following the speed limit can also ensure you have enough time to respond and react in case of a sudden change in road conditions.

Ignoring Traffic Signs

Similar to speeding, ignoring traffic signs is common but should be avoided. Rather than suggestions on how to drive, traffic signs are essential indicators of road conditions and rules to be followed. Some drivers even go as far as to ignore traffic signs completely. Failing to comply with a stop sign, not yielding when indicating, or not slowing down on a yellow light can put you and others at risk of a car crash or could harm other people on the road like pedestrians.

Not Practicing Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a set of techniques that teaches preventive measures to keep you as safe as possible while on the road. These include leaving space between vehicles, scanning the road, keeping an eye on your surroundings, among others. Taking a defensive driving course can help you be prepared for a sudden road condition change and help you avoid delays and accidents.

Doing routine maintenance on your vehicle can help you prevent trouble when driving. Call the oil experts at Vaughan Distributing in Jackson at (307) 413-1011 for more information, or visit their online store to place an order 24/7!

Being Reckless

Bad habits like the ones mentioned above are common, and many drivers take part in them even if they shouldn’t, and even though they’re bad, most happen because of inexperience or distracted driving. On the other hand, reckless driving is a whole other issue. Reckless driving is usually caused by daredevils who are looking for a thrill, putting others at risk. Slamming the gas pedal and breaks, hitting the curb, engaging in road rage, merging without looking, and taking sharp turns are only a few examples of reckless driving and are often reasons for car crashes that could’ve been avoided.

Getting Distracted

Paying attention while driving is vital in being safe on the road. Anything that takes your attention away from the road is a terrible habit, even for a second. Things like driving high or drunk, driving tired, or checking your phone notifications can distract you and cause an accident. If you aren’t in good condition to drive, it’s best to give someone else your keys or stay somewhere safe until you’re ready to do so.

Driving a Vehicle in Poor Conditions

Lastly, driving a vehicle in poor condition can not only delay you getting to your destination on time in case it breaks down, but it could also put others at risk. Issues like flat tires or overheating engines can be dangerous for you and others when driving. Make sure to take your vehicle in for routine inspections at least once every six months to keep it in good condition for longer.

Car maintenance can help you save time and money if you’re using the right products. Browse AMSOIL's online shop or call Vaughan Distributing at (307) 413-1011 to place an order for them today.